
Aug 11, 2014

It is almost here!

Hi Everyone!

It is almost here!!! The day when we will get to meet our new "batch" of students is just a couple of days away for most of us.  It sure is exciting!!!

We teach a two way dual language model with a partner teacher. As we start gathering ideas of how we want our classrooms to look like,  we want to share with you a few tips that we have found to be key for our dual classes to run smoothly:

  • In a co-teach situation, our goal is always to ensure that both classrooms mirror each other in order to make it easier for the students to learn academic content. Dual language classrooms that “mirror” each other are in fact classrooms where the lessons are carefully planned in a way that the content and skills acquired one day in one of the language classrooms enable students to build on and develop new skills in their other language classroom. 
  • Plan with your partner teacher for similar routines and procedures so that your students feel more at ease switching back and forth between the two language classrooms every day. You don't want them to have to learn a new set of guidelines for each classroom. We actually have the same morning and afternoon procedures in both our classrooms.
  • Always set aside a few minutes to meet with your partner teacher  at the end of every day. We meet to go over our lesson plan for that day and discuss how it went. Our meeting is short and sweet, but it helps us recap on what took place in both language settings and gives shape to the next day.

These are all simple tips, however they make a huge difference in helping our language learners experience success in a dual setting.
We hope you have an AMAZING school year! 
The Dual Trio

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